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February 2025

Mantra Singing CircleRepeating Event

Come and sing your heart out with our Mantra singing evening. Awaken your soul and voice with us. You will be guided for each song so don’t worry if you are new. Looking forward to meeting you.   Komm zu unserem inspirierenden Mantraabend und sing dich frei. Wir singen gemeinsam herzöffnende Mantras. Die Mantras werden… Read More »Location
11 Feb
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

Through Yoga : ActivationRepeating Event

Activation is the second step in the Through Yoga routine. It takes the next step after the Foundation course to activate and stimulate your senses and open up the body. Students must have at least a little yoga experience. Through Yoga routine Foundation Activation Energize Power Peak Resolve Dive
12 Feb
7:45 am - 9:00 am
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

Breakfast ClubEvery Weekday

Come practise your Yoga in our studio every weekday between 9:00-12:00 and chill in the kitchen with some breakfast. Enjoy the studio space with other practitioners in peace and traquility. Removing all your home or work distractions allows you to deepen your practise in this environment.   There is a subscription membership soon to be… Read More »Location
12 Feb
9:00 am - 11:55 am
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

Massage | ReikiRepeating Event Limited

Welcoming you to a massage or Reiki treatment. With a massage take the time for you to enjoy deep muscle tension relaxation and balance. Wellness massage brings you emotional and body relaxation – it can be upper body or full body. Sports massage is an intensive massage for tight muscle relaxation from sports. Deep Tissue… Read More »Location
12 Feb
3:00 pm
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

Chakra BalancingRepeating Event

Chakra Balancing – Eine Reise durch die Chakren Chakra Balancing ist eine ganzheitliche Praxis, die deine sieben Hauptenergiezentren – die Chakren – harmonisiert. Diese Energiezentren beeinflussen nicht nur deinen Körper, sondern auch deine Emotionen, Gedanken und deine Verbindung zur Welt. Wenn die Chakren aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten, kann sich das in Form von Blockaden, Stress… Read More »Location
12 Feb
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

MassageRepeating Event

Gönnen Sie sich eine entspannende Mmassage. Jede Massage kann um 30 min in dem Buchungsformular verlängert werden. Massage regt ihre Durchblutung an, löst Verspannungen und hat eine positive Auswirkung auf das Nervensystem. Optionen: Fußreflexzonenmassge Ayurvedische Ganzkörpermassage Rückenmassage Rücken-Nacken-Schulter Treat yourself to a relaxing massage. Massage stimulates your blood circulation, relieves tension and has a positive… Read More »Location
13 Feb
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

Through Yoga : FoundationRepeating Event

Foundation is the first step in the Through Yoga routine. This session is about finding a deeper connection with simpler moves and stronger understanding of the connection between each position. It allows you rejuvination, refeshing your postions, deep breathing and contemplation. It is for all level students. Through Yoga routine Foundation Activation Energize Power Peak… Read More »Location
13 Feb
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

SHAKE THE DUST – Move. Release. Be.Repeating Event

A transformative practice blending movement, release, and self-discovery. Through elements of yoga, HIIT, somatics, intuitive movement, and dance, all guided by a powerful playlist. You’ll sweat, explore, and reconnect with yourself – being the most authentic YOU. What to expect: A sweaty, dynamic workout for body and mind. Moments of deep release to let go… Read More »Location
13 Feb
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The Wellness Cafe : Avocado
Jonasstraße 21, Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
No offering available.
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