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The Alchemy of Yoga

The Alchemy of Yoga is a 7-day retreat on the land of volcano Etna, in which we will explore the depth and the knowledge of a pure and devoted yoga practice.
Together we learn, we play, we dance, we explore…

The Alchemy of Yoga
10-16 June
तपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि क्रियायोगः I
tapah svadhyaya isvarapranidhanani kriyayoga

The yoga of action (kriyayogah) involves the eagerness to act (tapah), self-reflection (svadhyaya) and letting go (isvarapranidhana).
The first sutra of the second chapter of Patanjali’s book is a recipe for alchemy on three levels: physical, mental, and spiritual.
The asana practice generates enough heat (tapah) to transform the body into a more liquid state. The body softens and begins to sweat. Perspiration strains out the bodys impurities.

Self-observation is the mental alchemy. Svadhyaya involves a process of acquiring self-knowledge through the ability to witness ourselves clearly and dispassionately in all situations.

Ishvara pranidhana, literally bowing to God, refers to spiritual alchemy. When we transcend ego identification long enough to discover that the divine creative power of the universe is present within our own being, we are filled with joy and reverence. Our natural impulse when this happens is to give thanks. This expression of gratitude and humility becomes the doorway for divine grace to enter our lives.
Our true purpose in yoga is to awaken the guru within. This is what the alchemical tradition refers to as turning lead into gold.

For more info:

A deposit of 350€ is required to reserve your spot for 7 days (6 nights) retreat with classes, workshops, excursion, accommodation and 2 vegetarian/vegan meals a day.
If you have any questions or would like to reserve your spot, please emails to

  • Our activities

    Early morning Meditation Jivamukti Yoga Yoga Foundation Yin Yoga Alchemy of restorative practice and Mudras Yoga Embodiment Asana Laboratories Sound Healing Excursion on Volcano Etna Fire circles Ecstatic Dance Movie night

  • Our Focus

    – Exploring the foundations and alchemy of the yoga practice & experiencing what yoga means to you – Trying out new ways of sharing in community – Celebrating life with a community of like-minded people

  • How to Get There

    To reach the villa we can organize for you a transportation by taxi from the airport of Catania. Alternatively you can take a bus to Catania Central Station and from there a train to Carruba. We will pick you up at Carruba station (5 minutes away from the villa).

  • Can groups come?

    We are able to accommodate a bigger group also in tents, and the estimated group size will be around 20-30 people.

  • The Location

    “Femminamorta”, in Sicily is a place of art, meetings, concerts, retreats and parties, as well as a family villa, but above all, it is a place where nature transports us into peace of mind, into mysticism, in the search for harmony. Located on the East coast of Sicily, between Pozzillo and Carruba, next to the volcano Etna. The land stretches for seven hectares into a palm nursery where chickens roam around among lemon, mango and avocado trees. The property comprends a huge garden, a large swimming pool and a gorgeous yoga shala with a beautiful view of the volcano. The sea can be seen from the villa and the beach is only 20 minutes walk away.

Hourly Schedule

Monday 10th

14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 17:30
20:00 - 00:00
Opening Circle & Yin Yoga practise

Typical Day

8:00 - 8:45
mindful Morning and Meditation
9:00 - 10:45
Jivamukti based Vinyasa
11:00 - 13:00
Vegetarian/Vegan Brunch
13:00 - 18:00
Free time / Different workshops
20:00 - 00:00
Evening Activities

Sunday 16th

8:00 - 9:00
Mindful Morning and Meditation
9:00 - 10:45
Closing Circle
11:00 - 12:45
Last Brunch
13:00 - -


Jun 10 - 16 2024


All Day



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Femmina Morta, Sicilia
Femmina Morta, Sicilia
SP 2 I-II, (Strada Provinciale per Riposto n. 188) Strada IV, Contrada Femminamorta


0049 1635178584

Here I am, doing what I least like to do in the world... ...introducing myself, trying to show my best side. I'll speak sincerely without trying to make a good impression, without trying to sell myself for what I'm not. I am not your typical yoga teacher, and my classes are not your typical classes. I'm colourful, I love to laugh and I try to play down important issues, not because I don't respect them, but just to inspire my students, accompanying them with irony.

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